Let's Talk with Debra H. Goldstein

From Beginning To End, You Can Read-A-Long With Me

April 14, 2022

Once upon a time, a character, Sarah Blair, a woman who finds being in the kitchen more frightening than murder, came into my mind. I instilled Sarah, her family, and her friends, with the many of the same characteristics and traits that my family, friends, and I possess. To intrigue and amuse readers, tidbits of true events and stories were incorporated into Sarah’s tale. For me, the fun is how readers react to what I wrote.

Specifically, what in my books do readers like?

What strikes them or makes them think? What would they like to know about the creation or arc of a given character? What do they want do discuss about points made in the books? What would a reader like to ask me if they could ask anything they want?

With all these questions going through my mind, I decided to give readers the opportunity to interact with me on all of these topics by creating a Virtual Read-A-Long. We successfully kicked it off last month by discussing the first Sarah Blair book, One Taste Too Many, during a Zoom call. Because not everyone who attended read the book (the e-version is on sale at Amazon for $1.99), our book discussion addressed themes and concepts without spoilers. I even provided a study guide in advance for those who wanted one.

Last month was only the beginning.

On the third Tuesday of each month (April 19, May 17, June 21, and July 19) for the next four months, we will respectively discuss Two Bites Too Many, Three Treats Too Many, Four Cuts Too Many, and the July 2022 (June 28) release of Five Belles Too Many. The sessions, which begin at 7 CST/8 EST, are free and fun. Come join us. Email me at DHG@DebraHGoldstein.com for the April 19th link and a copy of the Two Bites Too Many study guide.

Oh, and if you would like a chance to win a print or e-book version of the May discussion book, Three Treats Too Many, leave a comment telling me what you think about the Read-A-Long idea. Join us for the April 19, session for an extra chance to win a copy of Four Cuts Too Many so you’ll be ready for June, too.

While you’re here, check our our April Giveaway over on the Contest page. Enter to win one of those featured books! The contest runs April 1-18. ENTER HERE.

For more information about author Debra H. Goldstein, visit her website at: https://debrahgoldstein.com

Posted in Let's Talk, with Debra H. Goldstein • Tags: , , , |  18 Comments


18 thoughts on “From Beginning To End, You Can Read-A-Long With Me

  1. A Read-Along is an intriguing idea. I’m curious as to where you promote this aside from your newsletter and what is the reader response. Are you actually reading from your book or just discussing the story as for a book club?

    1. I have been promoting on Twitter, blogs, newsletter, facebook, and instagram (as well as word of mouth through different SinC and MWA chapter friends). Some people have read the book, others haven’t, but we had a lively discussion about themes and how I approached them without giving away any spoilers. It is more like a book club with humor.

    1. Sherry, if you haven’t already emailed me at DHG@DebraHGoldstein.com, please do and I’ll be able to keep you on the zoom mailing list and send you the study guide for each of the books in advance. Hope you can attend some of the sessions. The first one was a blast. This one may be a bit smaller as some of the folks are traveling, but already have asked for the study guide and info for May.

  2. What a great concept. 🙂 I’m sure your readers will have fun analyzing your series. And it’s always interesting when they find a theme, recurring concept, etc., that you the author didn’t realize you’d put into the book(s).

    1. Thank you. It has been a lot of fun. Even folks who can’t make a session have asked for the study guides or commented to me in emails, so I’ve found it a very interactive concept.

  3. What great fun! Readers like up close and personal time with authors, and this way you both get to talk about your favorite things–books! Congratulations on a successful first event and wishing you many more!

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