On The Bench

Favorite sayings

Beautiful Sunsets in the South

You’ve heard the old adage, March comes in like a lion, and out like a lamb. What’s your favorite saying that involves the weather, and do you find it true or not?
  • Terry Ambrose:

    This one is more of a tradition than a saying. When we moved to Arizona, our landscape contractor told us that on construction sites, if there were clouds in the sky, all of the workers gathered in a large circle. If more than three drops landed inside the circle, the workday was cancelled due to rain.

  • Nancy J. Cohen:

    I also love the phrase, β€œRed sky at night, sailors’ delight. Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.” The word β€œpink” is also used. Either way, I like this proverb. As to its truth, that depends on the day’s weather.

  • Debra H. Goldstein:

    β€œThere’s no such thing as good weather, or bad weather. There’s just weather and your attitude towards it.” Whether one considers the weather or life in general, this quote is right on the money.

  • Cheryl Hollon:

    My favorite weather adage is:Β  Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky at morning, sailor take warning. I love looking at the evening sky and try to catch the sunset from my balcony as often as possible. It was also uttered by my dad when we planned to go fishing the following dawn. I don’t think this prediction rhyme beats listening to the local weather report but looking at the sky always makes me happy.

  • Diane A.S. Stuckart:

    Back in my home state of Texas, the common expression is, If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. Which is pretty much true, as weather conditions there can easily go from cloudy to clear, 80 degrees to 40 degrees, no breeze to gale force winds, all in the blink of an eye. But now that I’m living in Florida, my favorite weather sayings all have to do with the Weather Channel’s Jim Cantore.Β 

  • Maggie Toussaint:

    I live in a coastal area, so weather systems rarely come in like a lamb. It’s almost always lion-ish weather here. But the adage I learned as a child is that if there’s even a tiny spot of blue in the dark sky, the storm won’t last long. We’ve had showers so hard you had to pull off the road because you couldn’t see, and then sunshine and clear skies less than an hour later. So I made this up β€œIf there’s blue in a stormy sky, good weather will soon draw nigh.” 

  • Lois Winston

    The storm starts when the drops start dropping. When the drops stop dropping then the storm starts stopping. β€”Dr. Seuss. Really, what more is there to say?

What's your favorite weather adage?


13 thoughts on “Favorite sayings

  1. Diane, they use that same weather saying in Hawaii. I can remember watching TV and hearing it used by both the weather people and on commercials. The one that I always loved was when a guy had just finished washing and drying his car and the drops began.

  2. What fun it was to read all these different takes on the weather. Living in a tidal community that is completely weather dependent makes it so that I check the weather each day. Our local paper even prints the phases of the moon along with when tides are high and low. With weather prediction so accurate these days, I can plan errands to avoid bad weather. Conversely, if I want to shop at a time when no one else is out, I can venture out when a storm is predicted. But not tornadoes. I draw the line at tornadoes and stay home!

  3. Weather has become so unpredictable that at times I”m not sure any of the sayings or the Farmer’s Almanac apply. Perhaps it is the news or social media, but things sure seem a lot worse weather wise on a consistent basis than Dorothy experienced in Kansas.

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