Beach Reads Giveaway

Beach Reads Giveaway

Beach Reads Giveaway

Summer time and the living is easy, or at least that’s the dream. Those idyllic summer days of yore where we loll around with little responsibility. Perhaps we swim or go boating, perhaps we sun and read, or maybe we travel.

Our authors at Booklovers Bench want to share a summer highlight with you, and then offer you a chance to win a virtual book basket that’s stuffed with six books. More details on the giveaway below in the Rafflecopter. The entry period for this post ends on July 4.

ThundercloudNancy J Cohen
One of my favorite summer activities is watching the weather. I keep an eager eye out for thunderstorms, rushing home if I’m shopping or dining before the slate gray clouds hit our area. The smell of an impending storm and the rush of adrenaline fuel my energy. But there’s also the possibility of hurricanes, and that requires a more cautious watch. I get automatic weather alerts on my cell phone and via weather alert radio at home.

Terry Odell
Where I live, summers are short. Being retired, our year isn’t divided up into seasonal breaks the way they were when we had kids in school, so we take advantage of nice days and enjoy the outdoors. One activity this summer will be spending another week on the cattle ranch. (Shh…it’s research. I’m not going to have any fun. Not one little bit!)

Maggie Toussaint
My new summer fun activity is Pool Aerobics. A group of us take over the neighborhood pool a few mornings a week. It’s smiles all around as the ladies groove to oldies and try to keep up with our energetic instructor.

Tina Whittle
I must confess, I dread summer — the heat, the humidity, the crowds, the brightness. So my favorite summer activity is going to the movies and sitting in cool, air-conditioned darkness for a couple of hours. And then getting ice cream on the way home.

Karla Bradenburg
One of the first things I think about in summer is my birthday! But summer is when we, in Chicago, can escape our houses, when the weather becomes agreeable more often than not for walks outside, swimming, weekends by the lake or touring the arboretum. Sunshine on my shoulders.

James M Jackson
This summer, we’ll be taking our youngest granddaughter on a train trip through the Canadian Rockies starting in Winnipeg and stopping for several days at Jasper, Vancouver, Seattle and Glacier before returning her home. When I’m not traveling my favorite hour of the day is from 5-6 pm. Weather permitting I take a glass of wine and a book down to the “wildlife viewing platform” on our lakefront and enjoy being outdoors 15 miles from where you can buy anything.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Epitaph by Karla Brandenburg – winner’s choice of ebook format.

Highlights to Heaven by Nancy J. Cohen – winner’s choice of hardcover (U.S. residents only) or ebook.

Cabin Fever by James M. Jackson – Kindle ebook

When Danger Calls by Terry Odell – winner’s choice of hardcover (U.S. residents only) or ebook.

Doggone It by Maggie Toussaint – winner’s choice of hardcover (U.S. residents only) or ebook.

Lowcountry Crime by Jonathan M. Bryant, Polly Iyer, James M. Jackson, Tina Whittle – Kindle ebook

The fine print:
No purchase is necessary. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. By submitting your entry, you agree to be entered into each Booklover’s Bench author’s email newsletter list, as well as the list of the host of this contest, if different. We will not share your information with anyone else, and you may unsubscribe at any time. Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter from all entrants for the prize. Winners will be notified by email. Booklover’s Bench authors are not responsible for transmission failures, computer glitches or lost, late, damaged or returned email. Prizes must be claimed within 5 days or they will be forfeited.


  • If you win and enjoy your free book, please consider showing your appreciation to the author by posting a review at your favorite online site.
  • No purchase is necessary. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. By submitting your entry, you agree to be entered into each Booklover’s Bench author’s email newsletter list. We will not share your information with anyone else, and you may unsubscribe at any time. Winners will be chosen by Rafflecopter from all entrants for the prize. Winners will be notified by email. Booklover’s Bench authors are not responsible for transmission failures, computer glitches or lost, late, damaged or returned email. Prizes must be claimed within 5 days or they will be forfeit. Physical prizes for U.S. mailing addresses only. International winners may choose from our ebook options. No transfers or substitutions are allowed. Winners must pick from the books offered.


23 thoughts on “Beach Reads Giveaway

  1. I love these pics! Keep ’em coming! Karla, I have a summer birthday, too! 🙂 It’s a fun one….7-7-77! I never want to lie about my age (going to be the BIG 4-0!!) because I want to brag about my cool bday with all the 7’s! I hope your birthday is awesome! Thanks for the chance, everyone, and good luck to all!

    1. Entered! 🙂
      I saw “Facials Can be Fatal” in the new mystery book section of my library and thought the title was cute (as I used to be a hairdresser) and it was a GREAT book!!! It was such an easy and fun read.. I loved it!! I came to your website and was thrilled that you have so many more! I can’t wait to read them all! 🙂
      Have a great summer and thanks for bringing ‘Marla’ into my life!

        1. Haha! Thanks! Yeah, luckily nobody died in my chair back in the day.. but the drama was there nonetheless !! 😆

  2. Since I’m close to the end of my writing career, I’d love to win books for summer reading.

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