Let's Talk with Debra H. Goldstein

Let’s Talk with Debra H Goldstein

May 28, 2020

Driving Creatively
by Debra H. Goldstein

During the past weeks of social distancing, my husband and I fell into the habit of taking a daily drive. We didn’t need masks, gloves or any other personal protective equipment because we stayed in the car – just the two of us.

The beauty of the drive was we had no idea where we were going to go when we pulled out of the driveway. Sometimes we turned left; sometimes right; sometimes we took the highway; sometimes the back roads. We saw neighborhoods we never knew existed. We watched people finding ways to entertain themselves by walking, bicycling, riding scooters, talking to each other from six feet apart, or simply hanging out on porches with their favorite beverages.

We had all the time in the world, so we drove slowly. For once, we took the time to look out the window at the different house styles, the flowers blooming, and the people we passed. It was a time of discovery.

For me reading a good book is like our rides. When I turn to the first page, I have no idea in what direction the story will take me. I may laugh, cry, be bored or enthralled. Every book offers a new adventure.

My writing is also like our rides. The words flow and often surprise me. The difference is that I’m hoping the trip I’m creating will be fun for you.

I’m going to miss the time and experiences we shared during our rides. Happily, the books and words will still be there.

Is there anything from this time of social distancing that you’ll miss? Did you read any good books?

And, once June 1 rolls around, be sure to enter our monthly Booklover’s Bench book giveaway. The contest runs from June 1-18, and the entry link provided here won’t be live until June 1. CLICK HERE on or after June 1 to enter the contest.

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Posted in Let's Talk, with Debra H. Goldstein • Tags: , , , , |  15 Comments


15 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Debra H Goldstein

  1. I’m going to miss our habit of eating every meal out on the balcony. It’s a lovely view, but the heat is now getting oppressive. So we’e had to limit it to lunch.

  2. I have always been drawn to nature, but Ihave spent more time outside this spring, enjoying the spring flowers, picking asparagus, and watering. Oh, how I enjoy watering plants. It feels like two good deeds! Our extended family had more time to connect with calls, messages, emails, and video chats.

  3. I will miss being able to spend as much time with my husband and kids. My kids are older, so they go their separate ways when there’s no quarantine.

  4. I’m not at home so nothing to miss; however, going for a Sunday drive was quite the thing in the Stone Age when I was a kid. Dad would pile us all in the car and off we’d go (no seat belts, Dad smoking like a chimney). I kept up the habit into my teens and thru college. Then got married and the price of gas went up (not sure that’s related, but…?). I don’t “drive” just to drive anymore, but if I have to go to a place where I can as easily drive as fly, I’ll pick driving anytime. Now that gas is cheap again maybe it’s time to start up that tradition once more. 🙂

  5. I have enjoyed a few long, slow drives too. Actually, I have enjoyed everything being slower…drives, meals, walks, baths, and conversations. I am eager for many things to get back to normal but I will miss the stillness.

  6. I’ve had time to clean out files that I wouldn’t have had otherwise. So it’s been productive that way. It’s also nice not having a harried schedule. One can reflect on things more, like you with your rides.

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