Let's Talk with Debra H. Goldstein

Let’s Talk with Debra H Goldstein

August 20, 2020


by Debra H. Goldstein

Three Treats Too ManyAnticipation. It’s a word that rolls easily off my tongue. For me, the concept of anticipation conjures up tingling feelings of being on pins and needles; of being so excited I can’t sleep; of holding my breath waiting for an outcome.

The waiting is what’s key. The chorus of Carly Simon’s classic hit by the same name referred to how anticipation not only made her late, but kept her waiting. Heinz Ketchup modified her song to create the classic jingle that conditioned us to understand the joy of waiting for the catsup to slowly come out of the bottle.

Today, I’m holding my breath waiting for Three Treats Too Many to officially roll out on August 25. Three Treats Too Many is the third book in the Sarah Blair mystery series, but the first one being launched completely in a virtual world.

Readers and reviewers made One Taste Too Many a Woman’s World Book of the Week the week it was published and recognized Two Bites Too Many by naming it as a 2020 Silver Falchion finalist. They talked those books up to their friends and followers and helped make it so, based upon sales numbers, Kensington quickly decided to expand the series to include at least five books. But those numbers were helped by an in-person launch and personal appearances at bookstores, conferences, and book club meetings.

I worry whether I can reach as many people to tell them that Three Treats Too Many has been released. So, as you read this, I am in a state of anticipation. I wonder if you will tell someone about Three Treats Too Many or share a Facebook post about it?

I don’t know. What I do know, is that I’m not the only author having these feelings. If you’d like a chance to win a copy, hot off the presses, of Three Treats Too Many, please leave a comment telling me how you share information about any author’s books with other people.

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14 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Debra H Goldstein

  1. I use social media like FB and Instagram as well as word of mouth. I enjoy sharing and talking about books with family, friends, and coworkers.

  2. Debra, I feel your pain as my latest book just came out last week. Though, as an introvert, I rather like not having to do in-person events (what if no one shows up…or they show up but don’t buy a book…or….). And so I’ve been blog-touring and FB’ing. What I do miss are the festivals. I love having/sharing a booth, particularly at an outdoor event where people who’d never think of picking up a cozy mystery have a chance to chat with me. Good luck with your release!!! I’m sure you’ll do great virtually, too.

    1. Good luck for you, too. Even if one person shows up in a face to face, it is one person for me to make a connection with. Luckily, most have been well attended so I’ve been able to interact and play off groups, whereas on Zoom and other platforms, most people moot themselves so you have to really watch their faces to see if there is a chuckle.

  3. I retweet on Twitter and will share your new release notice on FB. We have to be constantly online if we really want to cover all bases and that’s impossible if you want to get anything else done. Do what you can and don’t worry about the rest. I hope this book launch is wildly successful!

  4. I try to keep coming up with fresh marketing approaches. It is a challenge to launch a book in a pandemic, but I know you’ll do fine. Fans of your series are waiting for this new addition to your booklist. As for me, I send out book release info through my newsletter and social media accounts.

  5. I leave reviews on Amazon, Bookbub, & Goodreads. I share about the book on Pinterest where I have a Books Worth Reading board. I recommend to friends, or even strangers in bookstores looking for a new author or series to try. I share the book in book groups on Facebook. Books are my favorite topic!

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