Let’s Talk with Tina Whittle

When One Door Closes… by Tina Whittle
You know what they say about doors: “When one door closes, another one opens.” This is often hard to remember when one is staring at a closed door. It’s even harder when one is closing the door oneself.
And that’s what I’m doing today, saying goodbye here at Booklover’s Bench. Not that I haven’t enjoyed my stay–I certainly have! The writers here are top notch, as are the readers (of which you are one — thank you!).
I am, however, at one of the winnowing and releasing times of my life. I have learned to honor these cycles and seasons, to open my hands and let go, to accept some empty spaces. I think such times are necessary. As I wrote once on my tarot blog, “Despite what you have been told, Nature doesn’t abhor a vacuum. Nature rushes toward a vacuum with everything she’s got.”
I am looking forward to seeing what’s coming my way next, what Nature will deliver, what surprises might be on my doorstep on the other side of a currently closed door.
May it be so for you as well. Thanks for spending some time with me over these past years.
Posted in Let's Talk, with Tina Whittle, zed: Former Authors • Tags: BLB Discussion, goodbye, Tina Whittle | 12 Comments
Wishing you all the besr, Tina!
Thank you, Karla!
We’ve so enjoying the time we spent with you (do I sound like Carol Burnett?) and wish you the best. You know, you can always come back and visit!
Thank you, Terry! The hospitality here is grand, and I will take you up on that. Now we’ll both just tug on our respective left ears…
I love your observation about nature being ready to rush into a vacuum. Work will always expand to fill the time. Here’s hoping you find something enjoyable!
Thank you, Cheryl! I have my fingers crossed!
We will miss you, but certainly understand about the open hands concept. Good luck with all you do. And keep us posted on your successes.
Thank you! I plan on hanging out here with much frequency!
Tina, Oh how I understand the depth of feeling that went into every single word you wrote in your post above. I have stared down plenty of doors, some of which I opened, some of which I bypassed. I do think there are seasons to everything and that being open to possibilities sustains creativity. With that said, boo-hoo, I’m gonna miss having your ear here. But I love ya enough to let you go with grace and blessings of peace, wellness, and hope that your tomorrows just keep getting brighter. Hugs, my friend.
Hugs back to you! And you know where to find my ear, always. Plus I plan on haunting this place like a friendly ghost.
We’ll miss you, Tina, but I wish you all the best and hope you find a purposeful new direction.
Thank you, Nancy! I don’t think y’all will get a chance to miss me too much, since I plan on a long career as a fan of Booklover’s Bench, even if I’m not a member.