Let's Talk with Maggie Toussaint

Giving Thanks

November 16, 2023

In this hurry up world full of people and technology on a speeding clock, how often do we stop to say thanks? I have a list of things to do each day, but I always run out of day before my list is done. Sometimes I work on Monday’s list all week long!

On the flip side, I do the things I love with the people I love, and every day is full of wonder. I long ago figured out that the important things always get done, that it’s necessary to take time for yourself, and essential to goof off now and then. Getting that balance right is the kicker.

I’m utterly thankful for friends, family, faith, and the mystery community. I’m thankful for health, sunshine, and all the glory of nature. I’m thankful for the internet which allows me to communicate with friends everywhere. And yes, I do my best to remember to thank people that I encounter each day. It’s important.

But what about the characters in our books? Are they thankful?

My recent release, IN THE WICK OF TIME, features the fraternal twins Tabby and Sage Winslow, their cats Harley and Luna, and more. Both twins are thankful for each other, for the candle shop they co-own, and for their homes above the shops on Bristol Street. For them, family, home, and work are so intertwined that it’s often hard to tell where one stops and the other begins.

In two books, Tabby solved two murder cases, learned what it takes to keep the shop profitable, and fell in love with her best friend Quig. She’s kind to everyone she meets, but fiercely loyal to family and friends. She’s thankful for everyone in her life.

On the other hand, Sage is self-indulgent, to the dismay of some, but she’s becoming more self-aware, little by little. She’s most thankful for her sister, followed by her cat Luna, and her lawyer boyfriend, Brindle, even if he made a mistake when he was spelled by a witch.

The shop cats Harley and Luna are thankful for their people, their shop, and a never-ending supply of kibble and treats. They are thankful for pools of warm sunshine, cuddles with their girls, and head scratches. They show their thanks by purring.

Tabby’s guy, Dr Quig Quigsly, Chatham County Medical Examiner, is super thankful that the love of his life, his soulmate, is now in his arms and under his roof. Lawyer Brindle Pratt had a devilish brush with witchcraft, lost his job, and nearly lost his mind. But he’s thankful Sage stuck by him and nursed him back to health. He realizes the trappings of success aren’t as important as the people in his life.
We all have things to be thankful for. People need to know they are appreciated. So, it’s our responsibility to let our people know we appreciate them.

Who are you most thankful for this month? Might it be a parent, partner, child, grandchild, cousin, neighbor, friend, coworker, or someone else? If you are so moved, share why you made the selection. I’m giving away IN THE WICK OF TIME to a commenter, either in print or digital or audio format, with print books only available in the US. I’ll select a winner using Random.org on Tuesday Nov 21. Please specify the format of choice in your comment about thanks.

Bonus!!! SNUFFED OUT is a Kindle Monthly Deal for November. Get your ebook copy now for only $1.99. KINDLE LINK

There are only a few days left to enter our monthly giveaway at Booklover’s Bench. Our contest runs from Nov 1-22, with the winner announced on Nov 23. Check out the contest HERE.

Want to know more about author Maggie Toussaint? Visit her Valona Jones WEBSITE.

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35 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  1. I am most thankful for my husband as he has to do so much of the work around the house and be my chauffer as I am unable to do it myself. I live in constant pain due to a MV accident.

    1. I’m am sorry to hear about your pain, Paula, but it is so nice your husband is very helpful. You got a good one!

  2. I’m thankful for my family, and the Army. Because my late husband was retired from the Army, I have great benefits. Mainly health wise. I have more than most in my situation. Also thankful for my 1st grade teacher that put the love if reading in me. I prefer a real book. Thank you for the chance. Happy Thanksgiving

    1. Great benefits are worth their weight in gold! I am also very thankful for everyone who inspired me to love reading.

  3. I”m thankful for family and friends. Although I’m thankful for the joy of writing, I know that if I never wrote another word for publication, the love of family and friends would sustain me.

  4. I’m thankful my family lives so close to me and my husband. We’re grateful for a lively social life in an active condo. Life is good!

  5. I am thankful for my family which is the whole reason we moved here. Now the holidays are more festive and we’ve many more small moments to share that are meaningful. And I’m grateful to my writer friends and readers for their support.

    1. It is such a blessing to live near family. That instant and often physical support keeps us connected and feeling like we matter. Like you, I’m grateful for writer friends because publishing is such a world of ups and downs.

    1. Good health is something everyone would like to have. You are truly blessed to be so mobile in mind and body. Love ones and friends are such caring individuals. You are doubly blessed, Lois!

  6. I’m most thankful for my mom. She is so supportive of me. I have been eating much healthier and losing weight and she’s my biggest cheerleader. Not once has she ever made a mean comment about my weight and that’s so appreciated.

    1. That’s so nice that everyone gets along so well and has such family loyalty. You are blessed to have that, Diane!

  7. I’m thankful for the parents and the upbringing I had. They instilled good values and supported me in my goals. They did their best to offer all of us kids what we wanted in the way of lessons or summer camp. No favoritism. Once I was married they butted out of my personal life, didn’t offer opinions, didn’t give unwanted advice. But they were there if I needed help or advice; all I had to do was ask.

  8. Hi Maggie,
    I’m very thankful for my husband. I know I can always trust him and he will always be there for me. He is a wonderful dad to our two children also.

  9. I’m thankful for my family and my pets, who are family. I love your series and would love to win a print copy of your book.

  10. I am thankful for my precious family who all provide love and support in various ways. I feel blessed to have that in my life as I know not everyone is so fortunate.

  11. LIke many others, i’m thankful for family and friends. I’m also thankful to the people who have mentored me throughout my life. Sadly, we often forget those who helped us many years ago, but helped shape the direction of our lives.

    1. I love that you recognized mentors in your thankfulness, Terry. I feel the same way. Sometimes we don’t even know we are being mentored and those are golden memories!

  12. I’m thankful for my family. My husband has had some serious medical things happen and my parents have been able to help drive to appointments and watch the kids.

    1. I’m sorry to hear about your husband, Beth, but it is a true blessing that your parents are helping to share the load. There’s always a lot of juggling that goes on when something like this happens. I’ve found it helpful to try to remember to take deep breaths and to go with the flow. It’s impossible to control what happens, we just have to find our way forward.

  13. My winner in the giveaway is ALICIA HANEY. You’ve won In the Wick of Time in hardcover if you have a US mailing address, other formats also available. You have a week to claim the prize. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

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