Let's Talk with Terry Ambrose
Kicking off the season with ugly Christmas sweaters

It’s the end of November, Thanksgiving is behind us, and we’re kicking off the Christmas season here at Booklovers Bench. That means binging on Christmas movies, cookies, and eggnog. Another highlight is the Ugly Christmas Sweater! It’s time to embrace this holiday fashion staple and get into the festive spirit, whether you’re a fan or not. Join us for some cheer as we gear up for the holidays here at Booklovers Bench.
The Sweater Confession
Here’s where I confess one of my deep, dark secrets. I’ve never owned a Christmas sweater, whether ugly or otherwise. In my defense, I did love my collection of Christmas ties when I was working! I might not have owned a Christmas sweater, but I still love them. I think they’re fun and festive.
It’s a mystery why I’ve never openly embraced this fashion trend—perhaps I’m simply too set in my ways to opt for something so daring. Still, I have always admired the vibrant and eye-catching designs of these festive fashion additions.
Did you know that the Christmas sweater started out as the “Jingle Bell Sweater?” It traces its origins back to the 1950s. These early versions, worn by singers like Andy Williams, were tame by today’s standards. Sadly, they never found much popularity in the market.
Then, along came the 80s and the ‘Ugly’ Christmas Sweater was born. Hollywood got into the act with television shows like The Cosby Show and movies like National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, where characters like Cliff Huxtable and Clark Griswold proudly showed them off. The resurgence didn’t last long, only a decade or so, but it laid the groundwork for what was to come in the new millennium.
The Killer Christmas Sweater Club
The Christmas sweater as we know it today has evolved into a kitschy, over-the-top fashion staple that is celebrated for its garishness and festive spirit. I love to see people all decked out in all their gaudiness. I might not have a sweater to contribute, but I do have something fun for you.
To celebrate the season, the Kindle version of THE KILLER CHRISTMAS SWEATER CLUB, the third Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery, is FREE on Amazon today. Click here to get your copy!
While you’re here, let me know whether you like Ugly Christmas Sweaters, if you own one, and would dare to wear it if you did. I’m looking forward to your answers! Free book giveaway on Amazon ends on December 3!
Our December giveaway runs Dec. 1-22, Check the site once it’s December and enter the contest! This link will be live on Dec. 1: CLICK FOR CONTEST
Want to know more about author Terry Ambrose? VISIT HIS WEBSITE.
Posted in Let's Talk, with Terry Ambrose • Tags: Let's Talk, Seaside Cove Bed & Breakfast Mystery, Terry Ambrose, The Killer Christmas Sweater Club, ugly Christmas sweater | 20 Comments
Never owned a Christmas sweater or wanted to wear one even in fun probably because my mother scarred me for life by knitting snowman and other cute sweaters for my sister and me to wear when we were too little to object.
That’d do it!
I’ve never owned a Christmas sweater and it’s usually too hot to wear one here in SW Florida. When I Zoom with my granddaughters on Christmas morning I wear a red top and I have Christmas bulb earrings and necklace. The necklace even lights up. My son and his family all do the Christmas matching pj’s thing.
Hi Terry. I don’t have an ugly sweater, but we have an Ugly Sweater Bar Crawl here in downtown St. Petersburg. We go out just to see the tragic versions. It’s a load of fun.
I owned an ugly Christmas sweater back in the 80s, which I bought to attend an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. None now unless you count a red/white Scandinavian knit cardigan, but it’s more classic than ugly.
Great topic! I’ve never owned a Christmas sweater. I usually just adorn a red or green sweater with one of my many angel pins. I have had bunches of Christmas shirts over the years. I’m talking about the department store long-sleeved shirts that are all cotton. They are wonderful until they shrink too much! Haven’t replenished my supply in a while. Think that’s a matter of “where would I put it” at this point in life.
I have an ugly Christmas sweater that my husband bought me the first year we were married, 40 years ago and I wear it at least once every Christmas season.
No I dont own an ugly Christmas sweater. But have enjoyed others who wear them. Some are so funny they really are not ugly.
I have owned several Christmas Sweaters I would not call them ugly they are cute and fun to wear.
I got my first Ugly Sweater yesterday at Kohl’s. I’m going to wear at our family Christmas get together. I can’t wait! lol!
Good for you, Sherry! Enjoy the moment!
I’ve never had what you would call an “ugly” sweater. But I do always wear a red or green one to our Christmas parties. And I always wear Christmas earrings (Santa, Reindeer, ect.)
Sound like you have good seasonal style, Helen! Happy Holidays!
Before I retired from a large grocery store chain in Ohio. We used to have Christmas week as ugly sweater week. I used to have so many sweaters T-shirts cotton shirts. We all had fun, but sadly they wore out, or as usual I hate to admit, shrunk, not my fault, of course so now I only have it’s a Christmas shirt. It’s not ugly, but I do miss the sweaters, and I love seeing people who wear them in our laughing, and having fun
I’ve never owned a Christmas sweater. I do receive a Christmas t-shirt from the American Red Cross for donating platelets during the holiday season.
I’ve never found a Christmas sweater, ugly or otherwise, I liked enough to buy. But when an UCS is called for, what I do instead is wear a plain sweater and pin all my Christmas-themed brooches (mostly Christmas trees) to it and call it good.
I love ugly Christmas sweaters and have been searching for one this year. I just think they are a fun way to dress for a get together.
No Christmas sweater for me but I do have a Hanukkah tee shirt.
Back when I was teaching, we all wore Christmas sweaters every day in December. It was a little extra way to brighten the school. None of them were ugly.
fun sweaters