Seven Authors and Seven Resolutions
We’re resolving to make improvements! As writers we’re always juggling writing time and everything else. For 2024, our focus is on doing things smarter. Keep reading for our individual New Year’s Resolutions.
My 2024 resolution is to be more willing to say “no” to time-consuming favors, and to be firm in carving out more writing time for me. Good luck with that! —Diane A.S. Stuckart aka Anna Gerard
I’ve always been a Type-A, goal-driven person. What I’d like to improve in 2024 is balancing my true nose to the grindstone nature with play.—Debra H Goldstein
Something I miss most about my pre-publication days was that I could take all the time I wanted to spark my muse creatively. Then the words would flow in the depth that I wanted. In the last few years while writing to tight deadlines, it felt like I was speedskating through the process. I love to write and dearly enjoy the creative process. In 2024, I’m going to take those breaks and recharge so that my muse is happier!—Maggie Toussaint aka Valona Jones
I need to reset my writing goals for 2024. As I’ve recently celebrated a significant birthday, it’s time to reexamine where my career is and where I want it to go. Do I want to spend hours at the computer toiling away at yet another book? Waste time on marketing tasks that keep sales steady but not rising? Launch a more aggressive campaign to attract new readers? Or is my time better spent slowing down to focus on family? I think once the holidays are over, things will come into clearer focus and new goals can be set.—Nancy J Cohen
Oh, for a magic wand! I’d love to improve the world in so many ways! However, since magic wands are in short supply (if they even exist), I’ll settle for finding more ways to improve my own little corner of the world because even baby steps can have giant results.—Lois Winston
I want to work on my time management. The key to being more productive is to take it easy and appreciate the here and now. In a crazy fast world with so many distractions, it’s easy to lose sight of what really matters. So this New Year, I’d like to improve my time management by slowing down, staying present, and focusing on what’s truly important.—Terry Ambrose
My writing resolution for 2024 is to submit my taxes to our accountant no later than ten days after I receive my last bit of paperwork. This has been a stressful situation of my own making over the last few years — I resolve to change my behavior and enjoy a stress-free April 15th.—Cheryl Hollon
So now you know our resolutions, what are yours?
Check back on Jan 1 for our next contest window. Our January contest runs from Jan 1-22, with two books going to one winner. CONTEST LINK is live starting Jan. 1.
“Diamond Dragon” image was purchased from
Posted in Let's Talk, with Booklovers Bench Authors • Tags: Cheryl Hollon, Debra H Goldstein, Diane A S Stuckart, Lois Winston, Maggie Toussaint, Nancy J Cohen, Seven Authors and Seven Resolutions, Terry Ambrose, Valona Jones Anna Gerard | 9 Comments
My biggest goal for 2024 is to write more reviews for the books I love. Also to keep better track of my reading challenges on Goodreads. Some of these challenges require you to write at least a short review but I need to post them on other sites too like Bookbub and Amazon.
I’m aiming to reduce pain to maintain activity and make more quilts. Then read 105 books(one more than last year).
Read more. Finish my children’s book. Take on my next challenge.
My resolution is to read 3 books a week. I did that for 2023 and it really helped my stress. I review every book on Goodreads but gave up on Amazon. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com
I dont make New Resolutions, but my word for the New Year is Hope, Hope especially for my brother that has cancer so that he never lose’s Hope.
My resolution is to win on a lottery ticket. Then I’d set up a fund that would earn enough for me to buy any book I wanted for ever and ever. Then pass it on to my reader grandkids.
For 2024 I just hope for my family to stay safe and healthy.
My resolution is to eat healthier.
I don’t usually do resolutions. I try to just eat better, exercise more to help counteract the prescriptions I’m on that can cause side effects.