Let's Talk with Maggie Toussaint

Let’s Talk with Maggie Toussaint

August 6, 2020

Howā€™d I get so lucky?
By Maggie Toussaint

Usually, people bemoan their lack of good fortune, but I am feeling very lucky about this post. You see, the 7th and final book of my Dreamwalker Mystery Series, All Done With It, launches on August 11, which is within the week this blog airs. Lucky, right?

Wow. Seven books! Itā€™s the longest series Iā€™ve ever written, with most of my other series ending at three books. What drove me to write seven? Thatā€™s how long I needed to fully explore this story world. Characters were still growing, and one was missing. One story arc had been resolved, but the ultimate showdown hadnā€™t happened until the last book.

Without giving away the ending, I was often overcome with emotion as I wrote this finale. So much happened in my personal life during the nine years I worked on this series, not to mention how my sleuth matured and accepted her true nature. How fitting that this book should release in a pandemic! Who doesn’t want to be “All done with it” (the pandemic) right now?

I also felt a sense of accomplishment for sticking with this, even when the publisher of the first three books closed its mystery line soon after book three, Doggone It, released. Iā€™m grateful to Camel Press for picking up the series and allowing me to further explore this story world. Even so, I feel remorse about saying goodbye to characters who are real to me in every sense of the word.

The mixed feelings I have as launch for All Done With It nears is akin to those of a graduating senior. Thereā€™s a sense of triumph, the excitement about future opportunities, and the regret of leaving familiar territory. These characters will live on in these series books for you and future readersā€”thatā€™s a wonderful legacy for any writer.

All Done With ItHereā€™s the blurb for All Done With It, which goes on sale Tuesday, August 11:

A Jane Doe jogger homicide near the swamp mystifies Dreamwalker Baxley Powell. The petite woman carried no ID, and no one recognizes her. Worse, a shadow passes from the body to a deputy, rendering him unconscious. The deputy and the corpse are dispatched to the hospital and morgue, respectively.

With summer heat and pending childbirth on her mind, Baxleyā€™s dreamwalks into the spirit world fail to yield leads, frustrating Baxley and her deputy husband, Native American Sam Mayes. Days later, Jane Doeā€™s description matches a missing Mississippi woman. Turns out, her new husband is missing too. Janeā€™s sketchy brother-in-law and her aunt arrive, full of secrets. At Janeā€™s campsite, the team encounters a terrifying anomaly, nullifying Baxleyā€™s senses. With such danger present, they must protect their unborn child. No more dreamwalks will occur until Baxley gives birth.

When her friend Bubba Paxton vanishes, Baxley sights him in a mirror, trapped between worlds with other souls.

Meanwhile, the shadow invades other hosts, demanding to see Baxley. Mayes and Baxley ignore the shadow as they rescue Bubba, untangle the Jane Doe case, and handle missing persons reports.

To free the trapped people, Baxley must outwit a powerful foe. Can she stop this super villain before he steals her soul?

Just for fun, share something in the comments that your mother always told you.

One commenter will win a print copy of Dreamed It, book 6 in this series. Winner must have US mailing address. Winner will be announced on Thursday, Aug 13.

Preorder ALL DONE WITH IT now at:

Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/all-done-with-it-maggie-toussaint/1137359136?ean=2940164191863

Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/all-done-with-it

Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1603818324/

AND, while you’re here, check out our fab August Contest wherein the winner may select a book from our vault! Contest runs from Aug 1-18. The winner will be announced on August 19. Print book winners must have a US address. CLICK HERE to enter.

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18 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Maggie Toussaint

    1. Gracious! Thanks for saying that, Debra. For a project borne out of love and grief, it became larger than life for me.

  1. I’m delighted that you were able to bring all the story threads to a close. Congratulations!

    1. Thanks, Cheryl! It was the most creative project I’ve ever done. I decided to write this series as a pantser, which was hard for an outliner and provided many moments of abject terror at not knowing what came next. Somehow, the answers came to me.

  2. Congratulations, Maggie! Whether it’s a series or a standalone book, moving on to the next project always feels like empty nest syndrome to me.

    As for your question, my mother’s mantra was, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Growing up in a dysfunctional household did provide me with lots of story ideas, though! šŸ˜‰

    1. It has taken me a good many years of living to realize that most families have a level of dysfunction. How could they not? We’re all human after all! I had the rationalization because of course I also grew up in a different situation. At the time I thought all families were like mine! Loved your Mama sezs contribution.

  3. Congratulations on the series wrap-up, and for hanging in through 7 books. I think that’s a wonderful accomplishment. And, it IS hard to let the characters go when you are finished. But they’re not dead and buried. I envision all my past characters as living their lives in their own dimension. And I have been planning to write a recap of my various series to post on my website telling readers where I see the characters now. As I’m officially between contracts now this is a good time to do it. Looking forward to reading DONE..

    1. Forgot to say–once, as an adult, I was repeating to my mother some of my dad’s favorite sayings that I’d found myself using (he was the first person I ever heard say, don’t sweat the small stuff–and that was a good 50 years ago). She asked me why I didn’t have any sayings from her. I thought a moment and told her that was because she didn’t speak in cliches. She liked that. šŸ™‚

      1. Your Mom sounds truly special, Diane. Although I do like “don’t sweat the small stuff”

  4. It’s a great series with a satisfying ending. I have enjoyed Baxley’s journey. And who knows? You might get inspired somewhere along the way to add a novella or short story.

    1. That’s right–who knows in this crazy world what tomorrow will bring. I hope it brings smiles for all, in any event.

  5. Congrats, Maggie. I’ve enjoyed your Dreamwalker series, and while I’m sorry to see Bax go, you’ve done an outstanding job closing it out!

    My mom? “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”

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