Let's Talk with Nancy J. Cohen

Let’s Talk with Nancy J. Cohen

September 27, 2018
Wedding collage. Bridal shoes, wedding bouquet, rings and beige dress. Shallow DOF

Wedding Countdown

by Nancy J. Cohen

We’re in a wedding countdown for our daughter’s nuptials happening near Halloween. Invitations have gone out. Vendors are hired. A second bridal shower will take place this weekend. Time accelerates the closer we get to the anticipated date.

Does this sound similar to a book release? Indeed, it is. I also have a new book coming out on Sept. 25. Trimmed to Death, #15 in the Bad Hair Day series, makes its debut that day. A blog tour follows along with reviews and social media announcements. I am building up to it with a series of online posts, a book trailer, perhaps some excerpts, and a Pinterest storyboard. And then there’s the blog notice and newsletter that have to go out to accompany the release.

I’m scrambling to get all of this set up in advance. I’ll be away for ten days to Bouchercon in St. Petersburg and family events in Orlando—not to mention the Epcot Food & Wine Festival and Magical Dining Month. Uh-oh. I can’t gain too much weight, or I won’t fit into my mother-of-the-bride gown.

Before I know it, the big day will arrive. But unlike a wedding where I can go home afterward to bask in the glow of wonderful memories, a book release doesn’t end. You have to keep up the publicity if you want a steady stream of sales. It’s hard work, and I’m afraid this time things might slide as wedding details take precedent.

But book promotion can wait. I can catch up later. A wedding happens once in a lifetime, and I fully intend to enjoy it. Likely I’ll experience a big letdown afterward the wedding weekend, and that’s when writing will save me and renew my purpose.

How do you deal with big events like these? Do you get nervous and excited, or anxious and worried that all will go well?

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11 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Nancy J. Cohen

  1. Congratulations on both major events. I’ve been through the wedding thing three times, and it’s kind of like a special occasion dinner … you spend SO much more time preparing, and then the eating is done in a relative flash.

    1. Terry, that is exactly what it is like. I only have 1 son and they just celebrated their 9th anniversary. I remember all the calls, did you pick out a dress yet, can you send me a picture and all the other things the parents of the groom are expected to do and then in a few hours it’s all over. But I have 3 beautiful granddaughters out of the deal.

  2. Big events let loose the hyper-planner in me. I try to anticipate problems, conflicts, and drama and then work on avoiding them. But, a Book Birthday and a Wedding at the same time? Wow, Nancy — that’s bold.

    1. I planned them out carefully. Trimmed to Death launch in Sept., wedding in Oct. and Writing the Cozy Mystery 2nd edition in Nov. Then I’m taking time off to enjoy the holidays!

  3. I am in awe of the planners of the world. If I were in charge of a big event…let’s just not go there. Congrats to you and yours!

  4. With all that going on, it’s impressive that you’re calm enough to string sentences together! I am in awe of your poise and preparations. I try not to do things last minute, but snafus happen in my world, no matter how prepared I am. To cope ahead of time and during a big event, I find alone time to decompress. That’s also how I recover. Sensing a bit of a theme in my life! Best regards to the bride and groom, and also to the parents of the bride!

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