Let's Talk with Terry Ambrose

July 14, 2022

Let’s hit the road!

summer road trip

Summer’s in full swing. It’s a great time to take in the great outdoors. In fact, according to a survey by The Vacationer, about 80% of us will hit the road for summer road trips. Count me in! We’ve already taken one trip to Avila Beach, which is about 280 miles north of where we live, and we’re already planning a longer trip to Pinnacles National Park. 

The truth is that ever since we bought our Nissan Leaf (a fully electric vehicle) last summer, I’ve been itching to make this kind of trip. But making a long drive in an EV is very different from an ICE vehicle (internal combustion engine). In fact, it requires you to rethink the driving experience because the trip is no longer about getting from Point A to Point B in the least amount of time, but what you can see and do along the way.

For me, the ‘fun’ went out of road trips many years ago. They somehow became all about packing the car, getting in, and taking the fastest route to our destination. We saw nothing along the way except freeways, gas stations, and a ticking clock. With an EV, you’re stuck with the same roads, but you have the chance to slow down the clock and enjoy things you might not see otherwise.

charging during summer road tripOne example of that change is the mandatory potty break immediately before or after the Los Angeles freeways. In the past, we’d always stopped at a gas station just north of LA. While planning our trip, I found a park with a charger less than a mile away. What used to be a purely utilitarian (and not always pleasant) stop has now become an opportunity to sit under the shade of some big trees, have a snack, and use cleaner restrooms. The cool thing is that by the time we’re done, the car has enough of a charge that it, too, is ready to go.

My question to you is, are you taking a road trip this summer? Where will you be going and what do you like to do along the way?

Leave a comment below to be entered to win a paperback copy of Mystery of the Eight Islands. (US mailing addresses only. E-book for non-US addresses. Also, alternate selections are available.) Congrats to Julie R., who won a copy of Mystery of the Eight Islands.

Also, while you’re here, there are only a few days left to enter our July Booklover’s Bench Giveaway. The contest closes on July 18, so you need to click over and enter today for a chance to win a cozy mystery to while away those lazy summer days when you want to unplug and relax. CLICK HERE to go to the contest page!

To learn more about author Terry Ambrose, visit his WEBSITE where his July Book & a Latte contest is in full swing. You can enter at https://terryambrose.com/2022/07/avila-beach-here-we-come/. If you use the bonus code #ReadyToGo you’ll get three bonus entries!

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30 thoughts on “Let’s hit the road!

  1. I’m not one for roadtrips, but our kids have an electric car and have explained to me the concept of short charges and long charges. Most interesting. As you indicate, driving their little Tesla is a more leisurely experience.

  2. Hi Terry, George and I also used to love road trips, but not so much anymore. We prefer to cruise or go on an organized tour. It suits a slower pace with time for reading and writing.

  3. I love to go on road trips. We won’t be doing any big ones this summer but we do what we call a driveabout in our Journey to See History and go out 300-400 miles and then back home in a day on back roads seeing old buildings, barns, historical places and just ride through the real America.

  4. In October we are planning to drive from Sarasota to Eureka Springs, AR for our grandson’s wedding. I am already planning the route and checking out stops along the way. Happy road trip.

    1. Thanks, Teresa! Glad you could stop by. Wow! I just looked up that route and it’s 1100-1200 miles. I hope you have time to enjoy the drive and don’t just have to push through.

  5. No road trips here. It’s too hot in Florida in the summer. We are content to sit in air-conditioned comfort and take day trips to local sites, food stores, or malls. Plus, I’m not really ready to stay at a hotel in the post-pandemic era just yet.

  6. We are going to road trip to the Great Smokey Mountains where we both grew up. We love to stop at all the “tourist” things.

  7. We flew to CA the end of May for our oldest grandson’s high school graduation, then drove from the San Francisco Bay area up to Eureka to visit my husband’s sister for a few days. Between the cost of the car rental and gas on the 12-hr. roundtrip drive, that was enough for us in the way of road trips for the year.

  8. Both my husband and I, separately and together, have crisscrossed the country on car trips, for both business and pleasure. I used to enjoy it a lot more, but now sitting for long periods of time isn’t as much fun as it used to be.

    In a few weeks we will drive together 1,000 miles or more to visit my daughter and her family, and I’ll make the same trip again to stay with my grandson a few weeks after school starts while his parents are away. When we travel together we tend to do a lot more talking than we do at home, and also enjoy listening to oldies and/or audiobooks together. My husband will stop for food and pit stops, but isn’t keen on pulling off course for antique stores and other spots of interest, so I do more of that when I’m alone.

    We’ve been talking about making our next car an EV, and I think we will take note of charging stations on our trip!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Karen! Just for fun, you could check out an app called PlugShare. It shows you all the charging stops on a route and lets you check out their amenities. BTW, we ran into a guy in Santa Barbara, about 180 miles north of San Diego who was staying in the same hotel (where I was charging up for free). He asked how much we’d paid for electricity on our trip. I told him about $35 at that point (and we were about halfway home). Between filling his tank for the drive to Santa Barbara and the gas stop on the way, he’d spent $150. He was ready to go electric for his next car when he heard that!

  9. No trips for me, unfortunately I’ve always had a job that hits the roof if I ask for even one day off. Maybe when I’m old enough to retire.

    1. thanks for stopping by, Mary! Fall can be a great time to take road trips. That’s when we’re planning our next one.

  10. I haven’t taken a road trip in years. I’m limited to two weeks so I fly. We used to listen to old time radio programs on cassette 9that’s how long it’s been!).

  11. I love road trips — so much more freedom than flying. And I prefer to drive, but I also like to stop at fun or odd places along the way. Unfortunately no trips on the immediate horizon but hopefully in 2023 I can head out to Texas and Oklahoma to visit some family. Heck, it’s only a 24-hr drive straight thru to Dallas from South FL. And you can even sleep in one of the roadside parks on the way and never have to leave your car. 🙂

  12. My road trips this summer are all about writing conferences. Unfortunately, we are anxious to get from point A to B so we don’t do a lot of side excursions. I enjoy hearing about your trips.

  13. Earlier this summer, we went on a road trip to the mountains. On the way we like to see new sights and try new restaurants.

  14. We went to Colorado last month for a week and a half. We like less tourist places and take thr back roads most of the time tonget there.

  15. My family has been to 49 states by road tripping together. Our last major road trip was flying to Seattle, then driving up to Anchorage and back. Lots of great scenery and stops. The only state left to visit is Hawaii — can’t drive there!

  16. Will be taking a road trip in New England in August with my daughter, son-in-law and 5-year old granddaughter.
    First time traveling together – should be fun!!

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