Holiday Word Search from All of Us
This is a word search puzzle for your holiday enjoyment from all of us at Booklovers Bench. Happy Holidays to everyone! […]
This is a word search puzzle for your holiday enjoyment from all of us at Booklovers Bench. Happy Holidays to everyone! […]
Our December jigsaw puzzle post features all of our recent books. We hope you have fun piecing together the covers for this month’s puzzle! […]
New Beginnings by Nancy J. Cohen January is a time of new beginnings. And so it is for me in writing my next book, #18 in the Bad Hair Day Mysteries. I’m in the “Discovery” stage of writing. This involves choosing the setting, doing preliminary research, and then identifying the suspects. Since I’m more of […]
December’s Question Any traveling “detours” that drive your companions crazy? Do they ever end up in your books? Diane A.S. Stuckart: I much prefer to travel by car than any other way, and I love those ubiquitous roadside markers that commemorate births and deaths and battles and so on. If it were up to me, […]
Holiday Cheer from All of Us We’re delighted you enjoy visiting with the authors of Booklover’s Bench. Nancy J. Cohen, Maggie Toussaint, Diane A.S Stuckart, Cheryl Hollon, Debra H. Goldstein, Terry Ambrose, and Lois Winston wish everyone a joyful holiday season. This year we’re each sharing our favorite holiday beverage. Cheers to all! Let’s hear […]
November’s Question Fancy footwork: what shoes would we find on you/your protagonist’s feet, and what footwear would you/they never be caught dead wearing? Maggie Toussaint: While my catering sleuth tends toward practicality in her everyday footwear, River Holloway Merrick loves black stilettos. I’ve never been able to successfully walk in high heels of any height, […]
Halloween Candy by Nancy J. Cohen Would you believe today (Oct. 28) is National Chocolate Day? Halloween is only a few days away, so naturally my thoughts drift to the large bags of candy we’ll buy at the superstore to fill our bowl. I ignore the advice that says to buy only what we don’t […]
October’s Question What’s the best place to eavesdrop on conversations, and have you used this in one of your books? Cheryl Hollon: When I was working on a long-term contract in England, my husband and I frequently took the train for a weekend getaway. The conversations were fascinating, especially if they were on a cell […]
September’s Question Seeing what animal/landmark/famous person was a memorable first in your life? Debra H. Goldstein: I had three memorable “first” famous person sightings. When I was five, I saw Howdy Doody and Buffalo Bob at a charity show and excitedly managed to get my not-so-excited dad picked to be part of a skit with […]
Choose Your Chocolate by Nancy J. Cohen Today is National Choose Your Chocolate Day. Somehow this treat makes its way into our stories, either as an indulgence the heroine enjoys, a coffee shop menu item, or a hot drink on a wintry day. Then there are recipes that authors share with readers, tempting them to […]