Let's Talk with Cheryl Hollon

Let’s Talk with Cheryl Hollon

November 21, 2019

Thanksgiving Thanks!
by Cheryl Hollon

I am grateful for so many things this year. The list is long, but here are the most important ones. Specific to this blog, I’m grateful for readers like you. Without you, these books wouldn’t exist. I am extremely grateful that you keep support struggling authors by simply buying their books.

I am also extremely grateful for good health. By moving to downtown St. Petersburg, my husband and I have been walking to most places that you think about for your ordinary life – the grocery store, the drug store, or a neighborhood restaurant. We’ve been able to add the Post Office, a movie theater, art galleries and museums to our list of walking destinations. It has completely changed the rhythms of our lives – for the better and healthier. Apartment living is certainly without most of the stress of home ownership in that repairs are handled by a maintenance staff. Did you hear that? An actual staff! Marvelous. Simply marvelous!

I am grateful for nearby family members. I’m so grateful that our two sons, their lovely wives, and our grandchildren all live here in St. Petersburg. We now have a grandson off to college, but he’ll be back. We get together at local restaurants and bars to share our troubles, get and give advice, and celebrate our triumphs. So many of my friends have to fly somewhere to see family. We are only a short drive away.

I am grateful to live in a vibrant city with creative small business owners that keep us exploring the streets and avenues of St. Petersburg, Florida. I don’t think we’ll ever run out of food, festivals, art, or concerts.

I’m grateful to belong to Sisters in Crime. It is a strong organization committed to promoting the ongoing advancement, recognition and professional development of women crime writers. With a vision to serve as the voice for excellence & diversity in crime writing, I’m proud to be associated with this highly respected, energetic, and effective group.

I attained my status as a published author due to the generosity of the mystery writing community. To a fault, they are a selfless, openly sharing, supportive lot bent on giving back more than you would think possible.

What are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving Holiday?


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Posted in Let's Talk, with Cheryl Hollon • Tags: , , , , |  12 Comments


12 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Cheryl Hollon

  1. I love that B&W photo of you and your family. I’m grateful for the love and support of family and friends, all of whom serve/served to shape me into the person who (for better or worse!) I now am.

  2. I love that you joined Booklover’s Bench! It’s been a pleasure spending 2019 with you and getying to know your characters. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. You have a lot of good things to be grateful for. You’re fortunate your family lives nearby. This season, I am grateful for my new grandson and for our new extended family. Our holidays will have a different and more vibrant dynamic now.

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