Let’s Talk with Karla Brandenburg

December 13, 2018

Making Lists – Checking them Twice

by Karla Brandenburg

The holiday season is filled with things to do, and that can be overwhelming at times. It starts with Thanksgiving, and all the preparations that go with that. Most people start with their grocery lists, or lists of β€œwho’s bringing what” for the feast that kicks it all off. Then it moves on to shopping, and more cooking.

Are you one of those Black Friday shoppers? I think I’ve gone exactly once in my life. I’m not a shopper to begin with, so going out to the stores with a gazillion other people does not appeal to me, however, lists were made. What do I want to give to the people I love for Christmas this year? Thanks to the magic of advertising, I made a couple of decisions early (well done, ad agency). On the flip side of that, I did see some ads that completely turned me off to a particular storeβ€”one retailer completely dissed Thanksgiving, promoting shopping over family time in what I thought was a distasteful ad (yes, they opened Thanksgiving day). Not a store that will make my shopping list.

And then there is more feasting. Cookies to be made. Specialty desserts that only come out to play for the holidays. More scrumptious repasts to plan. More lists.

Without my lists, I’d be lost this time of year. Too many events to plan for, too many treats to be made. I don’t want to miss a thing! So I’m making my lists and checking them twice.

If you’re looking for a gift idea, I’m offering the first book (ebook version) in my Epitaph series free. If you enjoyed reading it, give a copy to a friend. The final book in the series will be released next month. While all the books stand on their own, you don’t want to miss out on the adventures of the McCormicks and the Bensons! Click here for the free book!

While you’re here, check out our Booklover’s Bench contest. It runs from December 1-18. We’re collecting entries for a $25 gift card from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. Click here to enter!

Happy holidays

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Posted in Let's Talk, with Karla Brandenburg, zed: Former Authors β€’ Tags: , , |  10 Comments


10 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Karla Brandenburg

  1. I am a dedicated list maker and calendar maven. In our household, if it isn’t in the calendar, it doesn’t happen. I also use a traditional Day-Timer notebook to keep track of writing goals, blog post due dates, and reminders about the business side of a writing career.

    Black Friday is no longer a thing for me. It was fun in the beginning when the crowds were smaller and cheerful. But it has gotten out of hand. I also won’t shop at stores that open on Thanksgiving — too much stress on their employees.

    Looking forward to your free read — I have the perfect friend in mind to share it with. THANKS.

  2. Given where I live, going shopping is a trek, so I do almost all of mine on line. I make lists for normal shopping runs, but they usually end up on the kitchen table instead of with me. I recently used a gift credit to buy an Echo Spot, and it’s nice to be able to say, “Alexa, add XX to my shopping list” and then it’s on my phone when I get to the store. For family get-togethers, we usually share a spreadsheet for who’s bringing what.
    Thanks for the book!

  3. I’m a list person myself, though I write very ambitious lists that take all week to do what I thought would happen on Monday! Given that multi-tasking is harder with each passing year, I find myself having to devote time unilaterally to the holidays instead of trying to layer it into already packed days. Yesterday was the finale of Christmas card day, and those are now in the mail. The tree is up. The wreath is still sitting on the wicker table outside. I’ll get that hung soon. It’s happening, and we always enjoy the traditions and holiday decorations. I love your Epitaph series and highly recommend it!

  4. I’m sad to say that I don’t do too much for Christmas anymore, except decorate — and that hasn’t happened this year. Though I was thrilled to find one of those light-up ceramic Christmas trees at the thrift store the other day. It’s displayed in my living room and serves as my only bit of festivity this year. But next year I intend to do better, and likely will need some lists of my own. πŸ™‚

  5. I am done with my holiday shopping, thank goodness. Each year, I make a list of gifts given so I know not to repeat myself the next time around. I have another list in front of me now of writing-related tasks to do in the New Year.

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