Let's Talk with Maggie Toussaint

Let’s Talk with Maggie Toussaint

May 30, 2019

Signs, Signs, Everywhere’s a Sign
By Maggie Toussaint

Anyone remember the 70’s tune about there being too many signs? That song popped into my head recently and now it’s become an earworm, you know, one of those ditties that won’t let you go.

Astute armchair detective that I am I wondered if the universe was trying to tell me something about this post, after all, sometimes the signs that are the most obvious to a casual observer are often unclear, ignored, or missed by the person involved. Should I trust my intuition? That’s a question my sleuth grapples with all the time.

In my forthcoming August release, Dreamed It, book six in my paranormal Dreamwalker Mystery Series, I explore yet another aspect of using dreams to connect with the living and the dead. As expected, the importance of this new “dream” has dire consequences for my dreamwalker, Baxley Powell. But the  images she remembers help a sketch artist draw an image that’s their first solid lead on a missing person case.

In this fictional instance, the “sign” yielded an accurate drawing of a place of interest, and satellite imaging helped them pinpoint the location. And all because Baxley trusted her instincts and went with the different feeling.

The thing is, Baxley could’ve shut down that out-of-the-box dream because it was terrifying or different or not something she ever wanted to explore. That’s a natural, human defensive reaction to something startling.

In our everyday lives, most of us often say no to a new sign or different experience because it’s easier to keep repeating the things that are comfortable and familiar.

For a chance to win a print (US only) or digital copy of Confound It, book five in the Dreamwalker Mystery Series, share your usual gut reaction to a strange turn in your life. Do you go with the flow or cling to past routines?

While you’re here, check out our June Book Vault contest, which runs from June 1-18, 2019. Lots of cool books for our winning entrant to select from. Click here after June 1 to visit our contest page. (print books are eligible to be mailed to US residents only)


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Posted in Let's Talk, with Maggie Toussaint • Tags: , , , , , |  19 Comments


19 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Maggie Toussaint

  1. Looking forward to your next book, Maggie. Love Baxley’s adventures. As to signs, when I’m worried about them, I generally voice them to someone else as a way to “clear the psychic air.” It’s when I don’t talk about them that bad things happen! LOL

    1. Hi Karla, So great to hear from you! Funny you should mention talking as a means to clear the psychic air. I tend to do that too. Something about hearing the idea spoken out loud helps me to further grasp if I should heed the content or ignore.

    1. Thank you, Debra. This was a challenging book to write as I continue to explore paranormal experiences for my sleuth Baxley Powell. I’m so glad you enjoyed the read!

  2. I don’t often remember my dreams, but when I do, they’re usually triggered by a disturbing event that’s taken place in my life. Most I’d rather not remember, but one of them years ago wound up being part of the catalyst that started me writing and inspired the plot of my second published book, Love, Lies and a Double Shot of Deception.

    1. That’s the thing about signs, they point you in a new direction! Thanks for your comment, Lois!

  3. Some signs may be messages from above that can guide us in the right direction, or at least I like to think that way. I don’t have much luck with dreams in that regard, but I do love it when I have a story dream. That’s what inspired my first published book. The thing is, metaphysical signs may be all around us but we can’t interpret them with our untrained senses. We need Baxley to help us.

    1. Nancy wrote “Metaphysical signs may be all around us” — this is so true. I was just talking with someone about their training at acupuncture school. Did you know that there are four distinct groups of body odors (the natural smell, not perspiration) and that there’s also an energy chi pulse above a natural pulse? I did not know these things. There is a wealth of knowledge out there still to learn! Thanks for thinking Bax is an expert. She’s doing her best with what life throws at her!

  4. My usual gut reaction to an upset in my life, after the initial shock, is to go with the flow. I believe that everything works out for the best. Would love to read “Confound It”.

    1. Hi Diane, Going with the flow is a good way to reduce your stress level! Crossing my fingers for you in the drawing.

  5. I do think we should pay attention to our dreams, and learn from them what our deeper self is trying to work out and resolve. I keep a dream journal, and sometimes the dreams are interesting and opaque for days and then something about them makes sense. Great device for a mystery.

    1. I love the idea of a dream journal, Susan. I also like the idea that others perceive them with clarity and confusion at times.

  6. I LOVE strange turns! And I’m fascinated with the idea that by reading the signs, however subtle, I could steer my life toward more interesting, exciting events.

    1. Sometimes I think life is drenched in childhood games, made to look like adult choices. When it comes to signs, I think of those Hidden Picture pages in the Highlight’s for children magazines. We don’t usually have our senses turned to detect many signs around us, but they seem to be there if you know where to look.

  7. A little over two years ago my world was turned upside down, when I lost my husband to Stage 4 Kidney Cancer. After he passed away I knew I had to sell our house in Indiana & move back to my hometown of Chicago. Living in that house I knew there were two many memories that would keep me depressed. So I put the house up for sale & I was lucky it sold in 3 months time & I was off to Chicago to be close to my son, daughter-in-law & 2 grandsons. I am missing him so much with every minute of every day, but it helps to be surrounded by family. Thanks for this amazing chance.

    1. Linda, thanks for sharing that memory with us. You’ve certainly had a change from your Old Life to the New One. I’m glad you have your family around you to help you cope. Hugs.

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