Let's Talk with Nancy J. Cohen

Let’s Talk with Nancy J Cohen

January 5, 2017

A New Year Begins by Nancy J. Cohen
January 2017

fireworksJanuary means we have to put these items atop our priority lists:
(1) It’s time to gather information for tax returns.
(2) We can clean out files and receipts from eight years ago.
(3) We should review our calendar for the coming year and copy it to our smartphones.
(4) As authors, we need to list our signing events and upcoming appearances on our various social media sites.
(5) We need to prepare for scheduled talks and workshops we’ll be giving.
(6) New Year’s Resolutions are made with the best of intentions. Aside from your personal goals about watching your weight, exercising more, and eating a healthier diet, authors have their own special set of objectives. I divide these into Writing Goals and Business Goals.

Writing goals are those projects you need to complete or new ones you wish to start. It could mean revising backlist titles or doing your first/next audiobook or novella or short story. This involves your creative brain.

Then you have to consider your business goals. Do you wish to increase your mailing list? Attract more readers? Submit your next project to a publisher? Attend a conference? Publish three books in the next year?

As readers, we also set goals. Do we wish to try a new genre? Discover new authors? Read a book a day or five books a week? Participate in online reader forums or post reviews online? Support our local independent bookstore or Friends of the Library?

What are your goals for 2017? How many did you accomplish from 2016?

As the New Year begins, so did my Bad Hair Day Mysteries back in 1999. Leave a comment to be entered into a drawing for a revised ebook copy of Permed to Death, #1 in my mystery series.

ps. Please click over and enter our current contest for a $25 gift card. Here’s the link: https://bookloversbench.com/win-a-gift-card-jan-2017/ The January contest runs from Jan 1-18.

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Posted in Let's Talk, with Nancy J. Cohen • Tags: , , , , , |  17 Comments


17 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Nancy J Cohen

  1. Can I make goals for my mad scientist, Halloween-obsessed husband? Because our garage looks like a post-apocalyptic cemetery ravaged by a tornado. And zombies.

  2. Nancy Cohen is the BEST! Love her books and luckily I’ve made her acquaintance and can truly state she’s just as nice in person as she is online. Her advice is spot on and I’ve found Nancy to be supportive and encouraging as well as entertaining and engaging.

  3. This is the year to finish the half done projects around here – 3 afghans, two counted cross stitch projects and working on one more chapter in the family tree book.

  4. My plans for the year are to declutter my home and my life. I want to try and read at least two books a month and post reviews. I am behind on posting reviews.

  5. You make it all sound so easy, Nancy! Just today I got the Ga Sales and Use Tax Form completed. I don’t know about other states, but Ga only gives you until Jan 20 to file this one or you incur a penalty. And yes, I forgot one year and found out the hard way. Lesson learned though. I start getting antsy about filling this form out before Christmas! Maybe I should have some fun now, and scoot over to Tina’s garage for some window shopping…

  6. My goals are to release three new books in 2017 (with a potential fourth since two of those new books are already completed!). After a tough 2016, I’m striving for an easier new year.

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