Let's Talk with Cheryl Hollon

Let’s Talk with Cheryl Hollon

May 21, 2020

Happy Anniversary
By Cheryl Hollon

Still Knife PaintingIt’s our wedding anniversary month. Over the years, George and I have celebrated in several spectacular but many more mundane ways.

The tradition for your first anniversary was to have the top layer of your wedding cake as a dessert. However, George was in the Air Force stationed at Loring Air Force Base in tippy-top Northern Maine. So, it stayed in my Mother-in-Law’s freezer for another four years. When we celebrated our fifth anniversary, we thawed it out, and served it to our family. It was remarkably moist and absolutely delicious.

For our twenty-fifth, we took a guided bicycle tour that began in Jackson Hole, passed through the Grand Teton National Park and then up through Yellowstone National Park. We were absolutely astounded at how enjoyable it was to view the spectacular scenery at peddling speed. Just so you know, a bison is eighty-million times larger when you’re riding a bicycle.

A few years ago, we took a dream trip on the vintage trains through Colorado. It included the now defunct cog rail to the top of Pikes Peak. For flat-lander Floridians, that was a spectacular view and we didn’t get altitude sickness. Win! Win!


For our fiftieth, we took the whole family on a week-long Caribbean Cruise on the Oasis of the Seas. It was a relaxing, funny, celebratory, memorable week that none of us will ever forget.

Two years ago, we were privileged to splash out and take a Transatlantic Cruise on the Queen Mary II. The wedding of Prince Harry happened then; in fact, we share the same anniversary date, May 19. I loved that the dining room served the same wedding supper that was served to Royalty!

This year, we’re still sheltering in place and plan to have a special dinner out on our balcony. I’m going to use a tablecloth, real napkins, a candelabra, the whole deal. Even if we can’t go out, we can mark the occasion by staying in – but fancy.

What’s your favorite way to celebrate your anniversary?

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13 thoughts on “Let’s Talk with Cheryl Hollon

  1. Happy anniversary! . Our favorite way, at times, is to be apart. Ironically, for a few years, one or the other of us had a business trip that crossed our anniversary date. The irony was that the traveling spouse ended up in the same city as our oldest daughter (whether it was where she was in college, when she was in NY visiting for a week, or where she went to work), so she got the benefit of seeing a show or eating a very special meal.

    1. We certainly had our share of celebrating apart. I was an international road warrior for many years. I think I enjoy the quiet ones best.

  2. For our 50th, we took a trip to Northern Ireland to visit one of our daughters, and from there, took a two-week+ tour of the British Isles.

    1. That’s so special. We lived in England for a few years and loved being able to visit Ireland just a Ferry Boat ride away. I loved the Guinness and the cathedrals most.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Hope your adventures continue for many years. My favorite anniversary was the year we were with our daughter as she prepared for her wedding. Our son came home from South Korea. We were all together and celebrated our anniversary and daughter and son-in-law’s upcoming wedding. It was a busy few weeks but so much fun!

    1. We sometimes combine our oldest son and his wife’s anniversary with ours. Their wedding year was a truly special event. Such happiness. It was magical.

  4. Happy anniversary! We celebrated our 20th by renewing our vows and our 25th with a cruise to Alaska (delayed 6 months because who wants to cruise to Alaska in December?) Other anniversaries have been enjoyable, but those were the two that went beyond special dinners and family gatherings.

    As for that first anniversary wedding cake tradition, we both took one bite and tossed the remainder of the cake in the garbage. It did not age well sitting in the freezer for a year.

    1. Thank you. I don’t think the cake top tradition is very popular any more, but just not sure. The next generation is at least ten years from graduations, weddings, and babies. I can’t wait!

  5. Happy Anniversary month!! Ours is June. For our 30th, we really splurged and spent a week in the Abaco Islands which was great. Other than that, since with so many critters and no one to pet sit it is hard to get away, we have started going to Ruth’s Chris on our anniversary and eating a blow-out meal. Hey, not having to clean the kitchen and taking home fab leftovers for lunch is a great present!

    1. I love that as an anniversary tradition! Although I confess, I prefer Fleming’s over Ruth’s Chris.these days. Both have re-opened for limited inside dining. Maybe — maybe not quite yet.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you, Cheryl! You must’ve been a child bride because you look so youthful. Most people celebrate milestone anniversaries, but we have celebrated with special trips here and there, as the spirit and finances moved. One year we toured the mountains and flatlands of Colorado, and like you took a train ride through some mighty scenic territory. Honestly, though, I prefer the stay-at-home anniversaries. Dinner out and a movie seems just right to me.

  7. Happy Anniversary! You’ve had some wonderful trips. We did the cog train up Pikes Peak and have been on the Allure, sister ship to the Oasis. But our best trip was our honeymoon to the South Pacific. In pre-virus years more recently, we’ve preferred to celebrate quietly with a nice dinner out. Enjoy your celebration and that you’re together for another year!

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